Japan International Dream School & College

dream education

JIDS Dream Education

Dream Education

Humanity, Scholastic Ability and Globalization are the pillars of dream education. JIDSC believes that every human being should have good human qualities at first. It develops a person’s behavior. A scholastic person having bad character is worthless in the society and cannot achieve his/her dream. So, JIDSC endeavors are to make good human being with scholastic ability so that he/she can adapt to the epoch of globalization.


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Dream Diary

The purpose of Dream Diary is to guide the students to their dream in a planned way.

Purpose in Details:
Dream is to desire something very much and hope that it happens. And a diary is a personal record of thoughts, feelings and events. But in dream school and college Dream Diary is used for a specific purpose. Every single student of Dream School and College has a dream and Dream Diary helps them to achieve it. Every page of the diary is considered as a stair to reach their desired destination. Dream Diary is used not only for keeping records of the class activities but also for planning every single moment of the week.

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Dream Day

Purpose: Flourish student's DREAM and help them to reach their "this year goal".

Purpose in details:
Dream day is a day when one's dream comes true. People employ their time and labour to bring their dreams in reality. But the feasibility of dreams completely depends on the proper and timely plan and the utmost devotion to the work of the dreamers. In Dream School and College, under the direct guidance of the teachers, students foster their dreams in heart  and maintain the dream diaries that help them to achieve their dreams gradually. In this regard, Dream Project arrange a sharing session (DREAM DAY PROGRAM) on 16 December every year to look back at the goals set by the students. In this session (Program), students share to what extent they have achieved their goals and what their next year plans are.

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Dream Board

Dream Education consists of several ideas. Among them, Dream Board is another important part. Every student possesses a dream and writes his/her dream on a paper to pin on the dream board placed in the front side of the class. Student always sees and got remind what is next to do. Every student can see other’s dream, even student is free to change dream.

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The purpose of DREAM COUNSELING is to arise motivational spirit and zale in heart of the students to become a successful dreamer, and find out problem and give solution and ensure a good support against the problem. 
Purpose in details: 
Dream counseling is such a counseling with the students and the guardians to improve students quality specially to be a successful DREAMER. It is also called DREAM THERAPY (Symbolically) that can help the student to be pro-active to his/her activities, and reach to the GOAL. Dream Counseling will be implemented to the all students from class Two to Twelve.

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Dream Speech Day

To inspire the students to reach their goals and make their dreams come true despite having difficulties in life.

Purpose in Details:
Dream Speech is a speech on “Dream”. Here the Dream Achiever reveals and shares about how to fulfill dream. Among all the activities of JIDSC, Dream Speech Day is one that is held twice in a year. Dream Speech Day is such kind of inspirational program where a Dream Achiever who has already fulfilled his/her dreams despite having difficulties and struggles in life is invited. In this program Dream Achiever shares his/her experiences basically how he/she has achieved his/her dream having difficulties in life. On the day, the Dream Achiever also expresses his/her thoughts, feelings and obstacles of life so that the students can be inspired to go ahead and can make their dreams come true. The students also ask him questions to get more details about the way of life. So far, Dream School and College is lucky to get some honorable Bangladeshi Dream Achievers in JIDSC premises. They have come and shared their notions of lives to the students. 

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Dream Motivation

Purpose: To motivate the students to go ahead to fulfill their dream.

Purpose in details: 
Most of the students does not  know what will be the way of reaching his/her GOAL. So, to give a clear idea, the students will be taken physically to his/her DREAM related place or present such a person before them who can give them the right direction to how to reach GOAL and to turn dream true.

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7 Promises of Students

7 promises are for making students skilled and potential for sustainably developed and peaceful society.

Purpose in details:
Promise is a statement by a person to himself/herself or to others that the person will certainly perform according to the statement. There are 7 promises for the students of Dream School and College. The promises are compiled in such a way that if the students perform according to the fixed promises then undoubtedly they will become good human being and certainly potential for the society. They will become skilled and capable of developing their country and creating a peaceful society.

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Most Valuable Dreamer (MVD)

Purpose: Motivating the students to become a successful dreamer in life.

Purpose in details:
Selecting MVD is a unique and one of the most important activities of Dream Project. The spirit of Dream School and College is every single student will be brought up with the utmost excellence in terms of manner and discipline. Our target is to nurture the students in such a way so that they can be great dreamers and become successful at the end. To achieve this target Dream Project plays an active role to teach the students how to become a successful dreamer and select the most valuable dreamers based on some specific rules and regulations every year.

১। Must be elegant in manners and character;
আচার- আচরন তথা চরিত্রগত দিক থেকে মার্জিত হতে হবে;
২। Be respectful of school rules;
স্কুলের নিয়মাবলীর প্রতি শ্রদ্ধাশীল হতে হবে;
৩। Be attentive in class;
ক্লাসে মনোযোগী হতে হবে ; 
৪। Class attendance must be satisfactory;
ক্লাসের উপস্থিতি সন্তোষজনক হতে হবে;
৫। Note how careful the time allotted for a task is;
কোনো কাজের জন্য বরাদ্দকৃত সময়ের প্রতি কতটা যত্নশীল তা লক্ষ করতে হবে;
৬। It should be noted how much effort is being made to fulfill the dream (contact with teachers, diary filling, studying);
স্বপ্ন পূরণের জন্য কতটা চেষ্টা করছে ( শিক্ষকদের সাথে যোগাযোগ , ডাইরিপূরণ , পড়াশুনা) তা লক্ষ করতে হবে;
৭। Check if you are interested in any practical work related to the dream;
স্বপ্নের সাথে সম্পর্কিত বাস্তবধর্মী কোন কাজে আগ্রহী কিনা তা যাচাই করতে হবে; 
৮। To observe whether the 7 Promises  prescribed for the students are properly followed;
শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য নির্ধারিত ৭ টি শপথ ঠিকমত মেনে চলছে কিনা তা লক্ষ করা;
(Beginning of the year)
Sharing in morning meeting about WHAT IS MVD and let the teachers be clear about the concept of MVD at the beginning of the year. 
Sharing in Assembly WHAT IS MVD and let the students understand it clearly and let them prepare._in February.
Give a rules and system sheet in every class.
Inform every class teachers in morning meeting to keep observation of his/her students and give motivation always.
If any student violates the rules and limitation or seen disobedent always, class teachers will counsel them and realize how to be a Dreamer or MVD. 
In time
(Selection process)
At first Dream Project will provide a form to the all class teachers in November.
By discussing with the subject teachers, class teacher will select 5* students form his/her section according to the rules given above.
Class teachers along with the subjects teachers will take a decision according to the based on the above rules 1-8.and input mark into the data sheet.
Each rule contains 5 marks.
DP will collect the data sheet and  will select the MVD from each section based on the highest marks given by Class Teacher.
Share the result in SMM.    
(After selection)
Dream Project will count total MVDs and prepare madel for them.
Inform Affairs and take a schedule on Result publishing day on 14,15 December.
On 14,15 December, Dream Project will share the theme of MVD to the guardians.
MVD will be rewarded by DP.
Make a small policine banner with the pictures of the Dreamers and hanging besides the notice board.
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